Curcumin is the primary bioactive substance of Tumeric and is widely acknowledged as the strongest anti-inflammatory herb for its antioxidant, antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
By using long-duration heat, cane alcohol, and deep ocean minerals, we are able to provide a high bioavailable curcumin product. (7) We include it here because of its ability to help manage some of a
virus's worst symptoms.*

Virility is noted for its effects on both male and female sexuality; increasing libido, endurance, and sexual prowess. Like a natural form of Viagra, it works via a mechanism that effects vasodilation in blood vessels.
Anti-diabetic. Improves peripheral blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels and relieve edema symptoms.
Anti-plasmodial, anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic activity, anti-allergy and antioxidanant activity, anti-fungal and anti-microbacterial.
Improves the performance of physical fitness and muscular endurance.
Helps lower blood glucose levels and improve blood flow.
Natural anti-depressant.
Contains: Black Ginger (Kaempferia parviflora) and Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia)

Telomeres are like the plastic tips on shoelaces, as they keep chromosome ends from tangling and fraying. When we are born, our telomeres are at their longest. With age and accumulated exposures to various sources of oxidative stress throughout our lifetimes, telomeres gradually shorten, until the cell cannot replicate. This process is a direct factor of aging.
Telemax - Longevity formula for your DNA, so you (Do Not Age) is a telomerase-creating natural plant extract that not only stops the degradation of telomeres but rebuilds them and reverses cellular senescence (cell death). Youthful cells create youthful vitality.

Exhalta stops snoring! It's amazing . It really works!
Exhalta™ Snoring Control Extract is a Phytotherapeutic extraction of Gastrodia elata, Angelica seninsis, Radix bupleuri, Zingiber officianle and Cinnamomum verum. Using advanced laboratory extraction apparatus & proprietary production protocols, these phytochemicals are known for their snoring control properties.
Sleep disordered breathing such as serious snoring and sleep apnea is common in aging. Snoring is a sign of resistance to the passage of air into the lungs and also a sign of breathing problems. Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is a common and potentially dangerous sleep disorder accompanied by cardio cerebrovascular events and multiple organ injury, which is caused by airway occlusion during sleep secondary to pharyngeal collapse and is characterized by repetitive breathing interruptions when sleeping. An herbal composition including Gastrodia elata and Cinnamomum is a well-known, Chinese herbal formula for patients with sleep disorders to reduce snoring.

BRAINfactor is uniquely extracted using organic cane alcohol and the fruit of the coffee plant. In this extraction, all of the important hydrophobic components are extracted and produced from previously unused fruit portions of the coffee plant.
• Eliminates the symptoms of brain fog
​• Boosts metabolic efficiency
​• Inhibits free radical formation.
​• Decreases inflammation.

SOLIDsleep is a Phytotherapeutic Extraction of Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), Magnolia Bark (Magnolia officinalis), Nepeta (Nepeta Menthiodes) and Passion Fruit (Passiflora Edulis). Formulated for maximum effectiveness SOLID Sleep can provide safe and gentle sleep.
Valerian is most commonly used for sleep disorders, especially the inability to sleep (insomnia). Valerian is also used for anxiety and psychological stress.
Magnolia bark uses include sleep disorders or insomnia, anxiety, weight loss, and stress.
Nepeta is strongly antispasmodic, antitussive, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, slightly emmenagogue, and sedative.
Passion Fruit has been used for its sedative effect and may help adults manage mild sleep irregularities.

Testostamin Men’s Health Support contains Phytotherapeutic Extracts of Dioscorea, Eurycoma longifolia, Withania somnifera, Pinus massoniana, Lepidium meyenii, Epimedium genus, Camelia sinensis, and Cinnamomum verum. Testostamin is a revolutionary dietary supplement designed to naturally support both male and female sexuality. By harnessing the power of specialized phytotherapeutic extracts, Testostamin aims to increase libido, endurance, and sexual prowess. This herbal remedy offers a natural alternative to pharmaceutical options like Viagra, leveraging vasodilatory mechanisms to improve sexual function.

Lion's Mane mushroom is a culinary mushroom that has been extensively studied for its neurohealth properties and has become a well-established candidate in promoting positive brain and nerve health- related activities by inducing the nerve growth factor from its bioactive ingredient. The polysaccharides in an aqueous extract of the Lion's mane mushroom could induce neuronal differentiation and promote neuronal survival.
The reported health-promoting properties of the mushroom fruit bodies, mycelia, and bioactive pure compounds include:
Antibiotic, anticarcinogenic, antidiabetic, antifatigue, antihypertensive, antihyperlipodemic, antisenescence, cardio-protective, hepatoprotective, nephron-protective, and neuroprotective properties and improvement of anxiety, cognitive function and depression.

First formulated for the airline industry, Flight Spray Nasal Hydration Spray, is created by combining three of the most effective herbal ingredients to provide nasal relief and natural virus protection while traveling, in a crowd, or any time natural nasal relief is desired.*
Prevent colds and flu viruses by protecting from dry and/or recycled air
​Relieve sinus symptoms associated with colds and viruses
​Moisten and Refresh dry nasal passages​

Jaga™ Coffee Fruit Elixir is made with an extract of Coffeea arabica, Grown in Kona, Hawaii. Using advanced laboratory extraction apparatus and proprietary production protocols, Jaga contains the antioxidants Quinic Acid, Chlorogenic Acid, Caffaeic Acid, and Ferulic Acid.
Jaga is made from the fruit of the coffee plant - packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radical damage that can lead to disease and cause aging. Antioxidants support the immune system and promote overall wellness, energy and vitality. This is achieved through the quenching of free radicals created as a by-product of ATP production (energy) in the cell mitochondria. Quinic Acid makes up 29.1% of the Coffee fruit Liquid Extract is a superior anti-oxidant with the capability of penetrating the cellular membrane and moving into the mitochondria to quench the oxidation process. The body has over 100 trillion cells. You feel the effect of Jaga as a sense of well-being and elevated energy production. It is your own energy.