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Hawaiian Healing Mist
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Hawaiian Healing Mist
Product Details
“The Natural Skin Care Remedy” is the first herbal healing spray to use hydro-distilled noni leaf and lilikoi fruit in formulation with aloe, chamomile, turmeric root and clove. It is an anti-biotic, anti-septic and anti-fungal. This natural topical skin spray is formulated by combining six of the most effective herbal ingredients to fight against infectious and fungal agents. It helps to relieve the associated symptoms of rashes, sunburns, external infections from bacteria, insects bites, psoriasis, eczema, minor skincuts, bruises, fungus, athletes foot, acne and other skin disorders. Hawaiian Healing Mist is an effective, natural and safe formula for use in skin care. It helps sooth the skin and promotes the healing process.
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