Throat Note
Throat Note, is a soothing all natural herbal throat mist that acts as a healing aid to anyone who has a sore throat. Throat Note is designed to heal the throat and to support the immune system when under physical stress and extreme conditions. It contains a powerful combination of herbs especially formulated to provide relief for your throat and vocal chords. Throat Note can be used preventatively or once discomfort has set in. Used for those seeking quality, high potency relief and lubrication for sore throats, it should be applied immediately when pain sets in to alleviate irritation & help heal the soft tissue in the back of the throat. It works fast and has a great tasting cinnamon/mint flavor!Irritants and over use may cause discomfort to the soft tissue in the mouth and throat region. This action reduces moisture in your mouth, which may lead to a harsh or uncomfortable sensation when trying to swallow or speak. As a consequence, the throat’s mucus coating cannot keep the underlying sensitive membranes moist, which may cause the internal environment of your mouth to become dehydrated and cause you to cough. A dry irritated throat is susceptible to inflammation and ultimately, infection. A hoarse voice due to excessive coughing is uncomfortable and inhibits our ability to speak and live in comfort.
Throat Note specifically addresses tickles, soreness, dryness irritation and pain associated with your throat. Save your throat with this new innovative, all natural herbal throat spray.
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